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    Northeast Lakeview College
  Feb 15, 2025
Northeast Lakeview College Schedule/Catalog 2011-2012 
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Northeast Lakeview College Schedule/Catalog 2011-2012 [Archived Catalog]

NLC Featured Classes

 Communities of Interest (COI)

The Alamo Colleges offer students a variety of educational options and opportunities within its course offerings and programs that address student interests and educational goals.  Such options and opportunities come under the heading of Communities of Interest (COI).  COIs are open to all students, though some may require certain academic prerequisites.  They include, but are not limited to:

  1. Honors programs and courses
  2. Service Learning
  3. Learning Communities
  4. International Education
  5. Internship
  6. Topics addressing gender, ethnicity, or age
  7. Current and topical issues
  8. Workforce or field of study focus

The Alamo Colleges encourage students to explore these options and opportunities as they pursue their educational goals objectives.

  • Subject to Change

Honors Programs and Courses

Honors Mission: Engaging faculty and distinguished students in academic research beyond the classroom.

Student qualifications to apply for Honors classes

  1. I am a registered NLC student.
  2. I have taken 12 non-developmental/non-dual credit hours at NLC.
  3. I have a GPA of 3.50 or higher.
  4. I am exempt from developmental course requirements.
  5. I am willing topresent their project at an Honor Ceremony.

For a list of all Spring 2012 honors Courses click on link below:

Spring 2012 Honors Courses 

  •  Subject to Change


Learning Community

Learning communities are designed to help students meet their full potential.  These are opportunities to learn with the same group of students academically and socially to promote student success.  The learning communities encourage student involvement with faculty, staff, and peer students.  These learning communities promote diversity and a sense of community. 

  • Subject to Change

Accelerated Learning Community Courses

Students have the following options:


Accelerated Courses for Spring 2012 

Supplemental Instruction

 Supplemental Instruction offer group-based learning.  A tutor takes class with you and reviews the lectures.  There are no Supplemental Instructions courses offered Fall 2011.


Current and Topical Issues

General Psychology

Community of Interest:Veterans

PSYC 2301 General Psychology                                       

Taught by Valerie Viera, the course will cover the same material as other sections of General Psychology but will take opportunities to examine psychological concepts and issues form the veteran's perspective and experience.

*This class is open to all students, but will have special content focused on veterans*

Please contact Ms. Viera with any questions:



Public Speaking
Community of Interest: Male Issues
SPCH1315 Public Speaking

Taught by Dr. Archie Wortham, the course will cover the same material as other sections of Public Speaking but will take opportunities to focus on male issues.
*This class is open to all students, but will have special content focused on males*
Please contact Dr. Wortham with any questions: