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    Northeast Lakeview College
  Mar 10, 2025
Northeast Lakeview College Schedule/Catalog 2022-2023 
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Northeast Lakeview College Schedule/Catalog 2022-2023 [Archived Catalog]

My Campus Life and Resources


The bookstores on the campuses of the colleges in the Alamo Colleges District offer more than textbooks:

  • General Reading                        
  • School and Office Supplies                    
  • Backpacks and Totes                           
  • College-Specific Clothing and Gifts      
  • Uniforms, Scrubs and Course Required Supplies for College-Specific Needs
  • Reference Books and Study Aids             
  • Calculators/Electronic Accessories
  • Special Order and Event Books
  • Snacks and Convenience Items

Bookstore services include online orders, rent-a-textbook, digital textbooks, intercampus transfers, and textbook buyback. See campus locations, which can be found in the navigation bar to the left under "Contact Information and Hours."

Students at the colleges in the Alamo Colleges District are not obligated to purchase or rent books at the campus bookstore but may use any online or retail store. The course schedule includes textbook and instructional materials information for each course. 


Throughout each academic year, the colleges in the Alamo Colleges District host a variety of events to engage students and support our communities. Many events, such as Welcome Week, Homecoming, Graduation, and Fiesta occur on an annual basis.  For more on events, see "Contact Information and Hours" on the left hand navigation bar.

Freedom of Expression/Free Speech Area

Students have the right to express their views in accordance with the first amendment and for intellectual development. Freedom of speech and assembly rights must be exercised in a manner and at a location that does not intrude upon or interfere with the academic programs and administrative processes of the Alamo Colleges District. To reserve an area on-campus for such purposes, contact the student life / activities office. No equipment or materials will be provided by the colleges in the Alamo Colleges District. Any charges incurred due to the use of Campus Police will be the responsibility of the reserving party.


Public and private housing are conveniently located near the campus. Tobin Lofts at San Antonio College provide fully furnished one-, two- and four-bedroom units for students who attend any institution of higher education in San Antonio. All bills are included in the price (electricity, cable, internet & water). For more information or to apply, check Live Tobin Lofts or call 888-696-3145.

The Alamo Colleges District does not recommend or endorse any housing websites, companies, or organizations and has not inspected off-campus housing accommodations or verified off-campus housing information and does not assume any liability in connection with any listings.

Lost and Found

The Alamo Colleges District Police Department (ACDPD) keeps a "Lost and Found."  If you have lost something, contact the office at 210-486-0099. Found items should be turned in to the police as soon as possible. Unclaimed items are disposed of at the end of each semester.

For inquiries concerning lost and found items, contact the ACDPD, which can be found in the navigation bar to the left under "Contact Information and Hours."

Political Campaigns

The colleges in the Alamo Colleges District are committed to fostering a diverse and open discussion of ideas, opinions, and viewpoints as well as encouraging members of the college community to be active and engaged citizens. Federal, state, and local regulations regarding political and campaign activities, however, require the Alamo Colleges District and its colleges remain politically neutral.

Posting on Campus

Bulletin board space is available at each college at no cost as a service to students and the community. Use bulletin board space if you need to advertise for a roommate or a ride, if you have something for sale or a job opening, or if you want to announce an event.   For more information or locations, see Student Life/Activities in "Contact Information and Hours" on the left hand navigation bar.

Recreational Sports

Sports and recreational programs are an integral part of the Office of Student Life/Activities. A wide variety of intramural club sports and extramural programs provide competitive athletic opportunities for both individual challenges and team competition. You can learn new skills, improve skill levels, and enjoy the recreational and social fellowship derived from sports involvement. A club sport is defined as a Registered Student Organization (RSO) structured for the purpose of furthering the common interests in an activity through participation and competition.  

For recreational sports locations and contacts, see Office of Student Life/Activities in "Contact Information and Hours" on the left hand menu.

Student Organizations

Student clubs and organizations are an integral component of the total educational experience and help students develop social, leadership, and teambuilding skills while promoting personal growth and professional development.  A list of organizations is available in the catalog under Student Support Services and Resources  or in "Contact Information and Hours" on the left hand navigation bar.

Student Activities Fee

A Student Services Activity Fee Committee is responsible for making recommendations to the President of the College about the allocation of funds collected from the student services fee ($1 per credit hour).  The committee is comprised of five students and four faculty/staff.  Upon approval of the budget each year by the Board of Trustees, the committee meets monthly, or as needed, to review funding requests from students, student clusters, and recognized student clubs and organizations to help fund travel, conference participation, activities, or other professional development programs.

Student Involvement in Decision-Making

Students are key stakeholders in the Alamo Colleges District's operations and planning. Student participation and involvement in decision-making is valued and sought through college committees, campus forums, student surveys, and consultation with student organization leaders and their advisors. A student trustee serves as a non-voting student liaison to the Alamo Colleges District Board of Trustees and the Chancellor, representing students' interests at board meetings and other district meetings.  For opportunities for getting involved see Student Support Services and Resources in "Contact Information and Hours" on the left hand navigation bar.

Student Leadership Opportunities

The colleges in the Alamo Colleges District recognize the importance of building strong leaders and of students' participation in the development of their own leadership skills. Students may choose from a variety of opportunities to get involved, including student government, student organizations, the Student Leadership Institute, the National Society of Leadership & Success, and Phi Theta Kappa. To learn more about the leadership opportunities the Alamo Colleges District has to offer, explore District programs and college-based leadership programs.

Student Leadership Institute

The colleges in  the Alamo Colleges District Student Leadership Institute (SLI) offer all college students the opportunity to enhance their leadership mindset, skill set, and tool set. This two-semester leadership program imparts the learning tools and resources for students to become leaders on campus, in the workplace, and in diverse communities.  Students involved in SLI have the opportunity to receive scholarships, increase self-confidence, improve communication skills, build relationships/network, become Alamo Colleges District ambassadors, and emerge as proactive, productive, and engaging leaders — while having fun doing it all!

To join SLI, students must have an institution grade point average of 2.75 or higher, be enrolled in a minimum of 6 semester credit hours, and submit a complete application packet by visiting the SLI website.

Student Life/Activities

Student development is important both inside and outside the classroom. The offices of Student Life and Student Activities at the colleges focus on students’ total educational experience, including activities and events, student organizations, sports programs, lectures, live performances, special events, and more.  Professional and student staff provides guidance and leadership training to assist students in achieving their academic and personal goals. Get involved. Learn more about what Student Life offers at Student Support Services and Resources in Contact Information and Hours on the left hand navigation bar.

Student Publications

Student publications allow student writers, editors, photographers and artists to develop their talents, display their creativity, and intelligently share their opinions while providing a service to the campus community. Publications include student newspapers, literary journals, yearbooks, and other media, and may be managed through academic or student affairs departments or student clubs or organizations.

To learn more about student publications, see Student Support Services and Resources in Contact Information on the left hand navigation bar.

Student Travel

Individual student travel or recognized student organization travel to events and activities beyond the college campuses on behalf of the college/District, with or without the financial support from the college/District, is regulated by the Alamo Colleges District travel policy. Examples include club sports trips, the activities of recognized student organizations, SSFAC-funded community service travel, and situations where a student or recognized student organization officially represents the Alamo Colleges District, e.g., leadership academies, conferences, and other programs.

Student ID Card

The Alamo College District ID card is your ticket to many activities. Use your ID card to check out books and materials from the college library, use recreational facilities, and gain access to a gymnasium complex. You may also get a bus card for discount fares. Your first ID card is free. If your card is lost, stolen, or damaged, a subsequent ID card will be provided for a replacement fee of $10.00.

For ID card issue location and hours, see “Contact Information and Hours” on the left hand navigation bar.

Service Learning

Some instructors include a service-learning component as part of their course’s curriculum. These courses use the knowledge you learn in the given course and extend it with hands-on experience in the community setting. What students learn in the classroom and through homework/research is put to use in real-world situations to bring a fuller understanding of the topics discussed in the course. Depending on the course, service-learning may be optional or a required part of the course.


Civic engagement is an important aspect of the college experience. Opportunities to volunteer on and off campus help students understand how each person can make a difference in his or her community. Non-profit organizations actively provide students with volunteer opportunities to ensure they have an outlet if they choose to use their free time volunteering for worthwhile causes.

For service learning and volunteer opportunities locations and contacts, see Contact Information and Hours on the left hand navigation bar.

Use of College Buildings and Facilities

Students may request use of Alamo Colleges District facilities as outlined in G.1.4 (Policy) Use of and Access to College District Facilities and G.1.4.1 (Procedure) Use of and Access to College District Facilities.

To reserve a room or facility for a specific event, see “Contact Information and Hours” on the left hand navigation bar.