HIST 2382 - African American History IIIntegrated Reading & Writing Basic Skills Prerequisite: INRW 0420 A survey of the social, political, economic, cultural, and intellectual history of people of African descent in the United States from the Civil War/Reconstruction period to the present. African American History II examines segregation, disenfranchisement, civil rights, migrations, industrialization, world wars, the Harlem Renaissance and the conditions of African Americans in the Great Depression, Cold War and post-Cold War eras. This course will enable students to understand African American history as an integral part of U.S. history. (May be applied to the U.S. History requirement.) Semester Hours: (3 -3- 0) CIP: 54.0102.53 25 Offered at: NLC: Yes NVC: Yes PAC: No SAC: Yes SPC: Yes
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