HIST 1302 - United States History IIIntegrated Reading & Writing Basic Skills Prerequisite: INRW 0420 A survey of the social, political, economic, cultural, and intellectual history of the United States from the Civil War/Reconstruction era to the present. United States History II examines industrialization, immigration, world wars, the Great Depression, Cold War and post-Cold War eras. Themes that may be addressed in United States History II include: American culture, religion, civil and human rights, technological change, economic change, immigration and migration, urbanization and suburbanization, the expansion of the federal government, and the study of U.S. foreign policy. This course fulfills the American History foundational component area of the core and addresses the following required objectives: Critical Thinking, Communication, Social Responsibility, and Personal Responsibility. Offered at: NLC: Yes NVC: Yes PAC: Yes SAC: Yes SPC: Yes
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