British Literature I: Anglo Saxon through Neoclassical   [Archived Catalog]
Northeast Lakeview College Schedule/Catalog 2021-2022

ENGL 2322 - British Literature I: Anglo Saxon through Neoclassical

Prerequisites: ENGL 1301  or its equivalent with a "C" or better and ENGL 1302  or ENGL 2311  or their equivalents with a "C" or better.

A survey of the development of British literature from the Anglo-Saxon period to the Eighteenth Century. Students will study works of prose, poetry, drama, and fiction in relation to their historical, linguistic, and cultural contexts. Texts will be selected from a diverse group of authors and traditions.

This course fulfills the Language, Philosophy, and Culture foundational component area of the core, and addresses the following required objectives: Critical Thinking, Communication, Social Responsibility, and Personal Responsibility.

Semester Hours: (3 -3- 0)

CIP: 23.0801.51 12

Offered at:
NLC: Yes
NVC: Yes
PAC: Yes
SAC: Yes
SPC: Yes

Click here for course schedule information.