CHEM 1411 - General Chemistry IPrerequisites: Successful completion of MATH 1314 or MATH 1414 with a grade "C" or better. Integrated Reading & Writing Basic Skills Prerequisite: INRW 0420 Math Basic Skills Prerequisite: MATH 0320 This course covers the fundamental principles of inorganic chemistry: general chemical principles, fundamental laws and theories, including but not limited to modern atomic theory, chemical bonding, states of matter, solutions, stoichiometry, thermochemistry and gas laws. The course content provides a foundation for work in advanced chemistry and related sciences, and as such is aimed at science majors. This course is math-intensive (MI). The prospective student needs to have a good working knowledge of the use of scientific notation, including use of calculator, exponential and logarithmic functions, significant figures, dimensional analysis, and solving simple linear equations.
This course fulfills the Life and Physical Sciences foundational component area of the core and addresses the following required objectives: Critical Thinking, Communication, Empirical Quantitative Skills, and Teamwork. Offered at: NLC: Yes NVC: Yes PAC: Yes SAC: Yes SPC: Yes
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